There are ways to awaken “frozen” resources and fully realize human potential, make necessary changes, strengthen courage and creativity, and create a stimulating environment for employees’ and executives’ self-realization.

These transformations occur on three levels:

  • Level 1: Relationship with the self
  • Level 2: Relationships with others
  • Level 3: Relationships transcending all differences

Level 1: Relationship with the self
Developing personal competencies


self-knowledge and self-management
discover your talents
personal strengths and effectiveness
time management
attitudes, values
work – life balance

innovative thinking
concentration and relaxation
stress management
adaptation and personal change
burnout prevention

I provide:

  • training sessions
  • experiential seminars
  • interactive workshops
  • lectures
  • individual coaching sessions

Level 2: Relationships with others
Developing social and leadership skills: working with people to understand and create healthy relationships


let´s awaken team potential
leading people and teams
conflict resolution
building or restoring relationships
organizational culture

positive and open communication
change management
coaching and developing others
emotional intelligence
training of trainers

I provide:

  • training sessions
  • experiential seminars
  • interactive workshops
  • coaching
  • lectures
  • consultations
  • teambuildings
  • meeting planning and facilitation
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I do not just pass on information and techniques – I create the space needed for awareness and transformation. As I “teach”, I follow what the participants bring to and discover in the sessions. I use non-formal and experiential group learning methods, for example: presentations; group assignments; discussions; interpretations; case studies; simulations; reflections; role-playing games; team activities; creative activities.

In these developmental programs, I emphasize creation of an atmosphere of trust, openness and motivation. Together, we create an inspiring learning laboratory. At the same time, I encourage participants to apply their new competencies in practice.

Level 3: Relationships transcending all differences
Community building:
The Community Building process leads to the most mature form of organization or team. The community is self-organized: all are leaders and responsible; trust is deep; differences are obvious, recognized and valued; people respect themselves and others, and they can be themselves, fully and authentically.

I facilitate a specific type of Community Building seminar. Each Community Building seminar is adapted to the particular organization or team and takes place over a number of sessions. Community Building (CB) is an experiential group process originally developed by Scott Peck. CB provides opportunities for strong and intensive relationship building and an experience of connecting with others and oneself. It improves communication and relationship skills and lead to professional and personal growth. Most groups do not communicate honestly and building trust is not easy. Real trust, open communication, and a healthy community do not just happen by chance – in the CB seminar, we learn to create this community, consciously and purposefully.

Facilitators create the conditions that allow the group to move through various stages of development, without necessarily addressing a selected topic or program. Participants learn to follow the “guidelines” of communication, and if they can, it is very likely that the group will experience a great sense of belonging, acceptance and security. And this applies not only to the seminar setting, but also to everyday working life.

CB is used to facilitate the deep transformation of teams at work. It is also a powerful tool for people’s learning and personal development and attending a seminar has measurable positive impacts on both work and personal life

CB for a company or a work team does not have as deep a personal dimension as CB for the general public or a family. In the context of work teams, it is not a matter of deep personal sharing; it is to help the illumination and subsequent transcendence of differences between people. Recognition and acceptance of differences and all the other blocks and disruptions to relationships is the “miracle” component of CB that will make the team transform.

CB can be combined with other development methods and facilitation approaches as needed. Within its sessions, we can address the specific needs or goals of the group, such as strategic planning, agreeing to change, finding consensus on selected topics, setting rules, clarifying roles, etc.